Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rapid Hacker Final V2.1

Rapid Hacker Final V2.1

Rapid Hacker Final V2.0

RapidHacker Final Build 2.0

Author: xyr0x
Langauge: Visual Basic, MS VisualC++
ReleaseDate: February 13th, 2007.
Special Thanks to Ouwop on FileExist procedure help. IXI for like, my niggeh!
Platforms: Windows 98, ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, home/pro, Windows Vista

New features

- Change Resolution For better appearance, is it's designed under 1024x768 Display
- Better Cookie Removal (Fixed some issues)
- Restore (Now RapidHacker restores your Internet Configuration, back to its original configuration)
- Put Information Leak as Default for OnPageLoad, when applications executed. (neat advertising imho for my favorite site in the whole worlds!) haha
- Changed GUI to darker appearance, instead of boring Gray.
- Added some detailed information where specified/clicked around the program.

NOTES: Even though RapidHacker, says RapidHacker, it can also be used for any other Download site.
e.g **********, and soforth. I just chose RapidHacker, just to anounce it as it takes advantage of

Hack rapidshare in 5 seconds


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